The “Secret Patient” — How would you have handled it?

The “Secret Patient” arrived at your hospital in a proper EMTALA transfer from Hospital A. They sent all required information but the patient’s name or ANYOTHER identifying information — he and supposed family member REFUSED to disclose it. Your hospital hospital provides appropriate screening, admits the patient, provides surgery, and provides appropriate after care to … Read more

Does Your Emergency Plan Include Cell Phones? Don’t Be So Sure…

Many hospitals use cell phones internally and externally for daily operations. Many of their emergency plans assume that they will be available even if local phone service is interrupted, but a little-known case before the US Supreme Court involves secret government plans to shut off cell phone service during emergencies. According to the brief filed … Read more

Your Encrypted EMR May Be Hemorrhaging Data

Microsoft researchers will release a report at a security conference next month that details vulnerabilities in EMRs at more than 200 top US Hospitals, according to industry publication NETWORKWORLD. The advance info on the study indicates that 4 different types of attacks in the study were able to evade the encryption found in many of … Read more