New Site Layout

You may have noticed that we have changed the appearance of the website to improve its usefulness. We will continue to update features and gradually move many of the resources over from the older archive areas into the new site for ease of search and access. If you have suggestions of something you would … Read more

Are You In Compliance With USDA Disaster Plan Requirement For Pet Rabbits?

Apparently the “sequester” and media concern about government abuse of authority and over-regulation have not deterred the USDA from critical regulations requiring home owners to adopt disaster plans for their pet rabbits. The Center For Health Care Emergency Readiness reports: According to a recent article published by the Washington Post, the U.S. Department of Agriculture … Read more

Abaris Webinar On New Medicare Rules for Trauma Centers & EDS

As you may recall, I have participated in some of the Abaris Group’s programs and shared the stage at live presentations with their President Mike Williams. I am passing this information along regarding this new program (I am not involved): The Abaris Group announced it’s upcoming webinar to help prepare for the impact associated with … Read more

OIG Details Early 2013 Settlements For Alleged EMTALA Violations

04-26-2013 Emory University Hospital (Emory), Georgia, agreed to pay $50,000 to resolve its liability for Civil Monetary Penalties under the patient dumping statute. The OIG alleged that Emory refused to accept appropriate transfer of a patient who required Emory’s specialized capabilities. 04-04-2013 Donalsonville Hospital, Inc. (Donalsonville), Georgia, agreed to pay $25,000 to resolve its liability … Read more

OIG Settlements For Alleged EMTALA Violations 2012

11-13-2012 University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC), IL, agreed to pay $50,000 to resolve its liability for Civil Monetary Penalties under the patient dumping statute. The OIG alleged that UCMC failed to provide appropriate medical screening and stabilizing treatment within its capabilities to a male patient who presented to their emergency department complaining of severe … Read more

OIG EMTALA Settlements For 2011

12-22-2011 Princeton Baptist Medical Center (PBMC), Alabama, agreed to pay $170,000 to resolve its liability for Civil Monetary Penalties under the patient dumping statute. The OIG alleged that PBMC failed to provide care, within its capabilities, to four individuals who were suffering from emergency medical conditions. Three of the individuals presented to PBMC’s emergency department … Read more

2010 OIG Settlements For Alleged EMTALA Violations

12-23-2010 North Fulton Hospital (North Fulton), Georgia, agreed to pay $40,000 to resolve its liability for Civil Monetary Penalties under the patient dumping statute. The OIG alleged that North Fulton failed to provide a medical screening examination or stabilizing treatment to a patient that presented to its emergency department (ED). The patient was 30 weeks … Read more

Possible Stroke Victim Alleges Hospital Did Not Help — Is This An EMTALA Violation?

The Chicago Tribune carried the headline “Stroke Victim: Hospital Didn’t Help” on a half-page story that raises questions of a possible EMTALA violation in one of the scenarios that hospitals seem to have forgotten. According to the Tribune, the stroke victim was driving his sister to the airport on August 20, 2012, when he became … Read more