Risk Analysis: Solar Storms

Today the Earth is being bathed by a solar storm caused by a Coronal Mass Ejection on the sun and later this year these are expected to increase dramatically. By the end of the year, the ISON comet is expected to make a close encounter with the sun and generate even greater solar storms. This … Read more

Will Doctors Become Malpractice Targets In Active Shooter Cases?

Physicians could become the targets of opportunity for lawyers in high profile “Active Shooter” cases, as an unanticipated outcome of the Administration’s move against guns as a result of school and other shooting events. As gun owners resist the facile “gun violence” label and force a look at the incidents involved, the fact-finding is leading … Read more

Copiers, Faxes, Scanners are HIPAA time bombs.

Anything with a plug in the office today has a memory — flash or hard-drive. This report shows the real business risks that these devices pose if they are not disposed of correctly, including HIPAA violations, data breach laws, and state data disposal laws. “http://youtu.be/TCKr5WgVVN8″ alt=”cbs video” />http://youtu.be/TCKr5WgVVN8

OCR Issues First Fine For Small Data Breach

Hospice of North Idaho settles HIPAA security case for $50,000 The Hospice of North Idaho (HONI) has agreed to pay the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) $50,000 to settle potential violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Security Rule. This is the first settlement involving a breach … Read more

UC Fined $50K For Discharge Without EMTALA Treatment

University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC), IL, agreed to pay $50,000 to resolve its liability for Civil Monetary Penalties under the patient dumping statute. The OIG alleged that UCMC failed to provide appropriate medical screening and stabilizing treatment within its capabilities to a male patient who presented to their emergency department complaining of severe jaw … Read more

Michigan Hospital Fined $90K For OB Transfer

Hackley Hospital (Hackley), Michigan, agreed to pay $90,000 to resolve its liability for Civil Monetary Penalties under the patient dumping statute. The OIG alleged that Hackley failed to provide stabilizing treatment within its capabilities to a woman in labor and her unborn child prior to transferring her to another hospital for treatment. The above summary … Read more