You may have noticed that as the healthcare situation deteriorates we are seeing more physicians in Congressional races taking on the task of trying to straighten out the mess. Today, I received an update that Mark Plaster MD/JD has announced for the Congressional race for the Baltimore area.
Mark is an emergency physician and publisher of the publication Emergency Department Law. I have known Mark for many years and have written for his publications, but the thing that makes Mark a stand-up person in my eyes is that he left civilian practice and volunteered in 2002 for the US Navy Reserve and was deployed to Iraq where he served in a Shock-Trauma unit — the modern equivalent of a MASH unit. He returned for a second tour of duty in Iraq in 2008.
I don’t usually recommend candidates for any office on this site, but we desperately need stand-up, ethical people in Congress to turn Washington around. If you live in the Baltimore area or support out-of-your-area candidates, I strongly urge you consider sending Mark to Congress. For more information on Mark and his stands on the issues, visit