“Are Diversion and ED Delays Putting Your Hospital At Risk For EMTALA Citations, State Regulatory Violations, Law Suits, And Lost ED Revenue?” |
Identify your risks and find out about solutions Johnson Insurance Services, LLC Fall Risk Seminar September 19, 2006 Phoenix, AZ
Presented by Stephen A. Frew JD “EMTALA, Diversion and ED Through-Put” Compliance Issues – Real-World Solutions September 19, 2006 Phoenix Marriott Airport Hotel – Phoenix, AZ | |
Featured speakers: Morning Session: EMTALA Compliance And ED Over-Crowding Stephen A. Frew JD Vice President – Risk Consultant Johnson Insurance Services, LLC. Madison, WI He is a nationally known attorney, consultant, speaker and author on EMTALA compliance and other healthcare compliance and risk issues. He is Vice President – Risk Consultant for Johnson Insurance Services, LLC. – an insurance agency specializing in healthcare liability – based out of Madison, WI., and provides consulting services for healthcare clients of Johnson Insurance and other clients nationally. Stephen Frew has been involved and consulted in successful compliance plans of correction, OIG fine negotiations, and court cases for more than 150 hospitals and physicians since the inception of EMTALA. He is the author of the EMTALA Field Guide (2005) and numerous other publications on EMTALA and healthcare risk management and compliance. His resources are used in more than 2000 hospitals nationally. His website www.medlaw.com is a top resource on EMTALA and other healthcare legal issues. Afternoon Session: Solving Delivery and Delay Problems Mike Williams MPA/HSA President The Abaris Group Walnut Creek, CA. The Abaris Group is a nationally recognized ED consulting firm with extensive experience in all phases of emergency care: hospitals, physicians, and pre-hospital. The firm has experience not only in gathering and analyzing the data required for process improvement projects, but it also have a proven "track record" of designing and implementing EDs across the country. Mike Williams and his staff have worked with more than 260 hospitals helping them to improve their ED's from issues surrounding flow, to reducing delays in the ED, to improving the financial outlook for the ED. Location: Phoenix Airport Marriott Hotel 1101 North 44th Street Phoenix, Arizona Phone: 602-273-7373 Reservations: Make direct reservations with hotel. No room block provided. Program Schedule:
0830-0900 Registration – Continental breakfast
0900 to 0930 EMTALA In The Review Mirror -- How Did We Get In This Mess Anyway? And Where Is This Headed?
0930 to 1015 EMTALA Compliance Issues In A Packed ED: triage times, time MSE, logging, patient parking, boarding, LWOBS and refusals.
1015 to 1030 Break with refreshments
1030 to 1200 Diversion: Divert, Selective Diversion, Delays, Dumping and Malpractice
1200 to 1300 LUNCH BREAK -- Light lunch provided.
1300 to 1600 Problems and Pitfalls Affecting ED Delays and Delivery Problems * Key drivers to bottlenecks * Characteristics to assuring a successful change process
ED Interventions/Product Lines to Impact Capacity and Flow * 10 high-leverage ED strategies *Implementation strategies
Break with refreshments
Inpatient Interventions/Product Lines to Improve Capacity and Flow * 13 high-leverage inpatient strategies * Implementation strategies
Advanced Tools and Case Studies for Improving Flow * Rapid Cycle testing (RCT) and High Impact Team (HIT) * Five case studies
1600 to 1700 Open Questions And Answers On Any Concerns or Clarifications -- Don't Go Home Without Answers For Your Issues.
Intended Audience:
This program is appropriate for ED and hospital management, risk management, physicians and nurses from hospitals of any size that are experiencing growing ED over-crowding, creeping increases in length of stay, or an upward trend in your "diversion" status -- and definitely for ones that have "hit the wall" already.
We intentionally limit attendance at these programs to a small group to assure individual contact and answers as specific as possible to individual needs.
“EMTALA, Diversion and ED Through-Put” Compliance Issues & Real-World Solutions
September 19, 2006 Phoenix, AZ