3-31-2020 19:00 CDT — CMS has just released a 26-page list of waivers for the Covid-19 emergency, including the long-awaited clarification on EMTALA. My thanks to Dr. Todd Taylor for getting it to me within 30 minutes of its release. The lengthy document waives numerous other federal requirements for hospitals, critical access hospitals, and psychiatric facilities.
The download link is https://www.cms.gov/files/document/summary-covid-19-emergency-declaration-waivers.pdf
“CMS is waiving the enforcement of section 1867(a) of the Act. This will allow hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, and critical access hospitals (CAHs) to screen patients at a location offsite from the hospital’s campus to prevent the spread of COVID-19, so long as it is not inconsistent with a state’s emergency preparedness or pandemic plan.”